其實那家是溫州大渾沌@@.....扁食其實比較小........偶記錯了........ Embarassed

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好討厭.......轉大人好久了.......... Cool

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沒錯沒錯..."問講"大..........辛苦了........... Laughing

atomatom 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

正值酷暑............喝啤酒最優..............偶再敬各位......... Razz

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  • Jul 30 Sun 2006 21:02
  • 小喝


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[url=http://tw.search.bid.yahoo.com/search/ac?p=%A9%E2%AAo&cat=2092052608]請摸我 :oops: [/url]

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  • Jul 09 Sun 2006 05:54
  • G-spot

G-spot (or Grafenberg spot) is a dime to half dollar sized, localized area of especially high sensitivity, situated beneath the surface of a woman's vagina on the wall toward the front of her body. While location varies, the G-spot is typically located about half way between the pubic bone and the cervix, about three inches into the vagina.Researchers have found that some women experience sensitivity more generally along the upper vaginal wall, rather than in a definable spot. Because the G-spot is beneath the surface of the vaginal wall, it must be stimulated indirectly through the vaginal wall. Many women reportedly notice an urge to urinate when the spot is initially stimulated, but find continued stimulation (with an empty bladder), very pleasurable. Some go on to experience orgasm, and some expel a fluid along with the orgasmic contractions.

Named by researchers Perry and Whipple in honor of the German gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg, who first wrote about it, the G-spot's existence, as well as its location, has been a source of great debate and controversy. Grafenberg himself identified the sensitive area as the point where the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder) runs closest to the top of the vaginal wall. Perry and Whipple argue that the area is located higher up along the vagina, while Israeli sexologist Dr. Zwi Hoch, claims that the entire anterior wall of the vagina, rather than one particular spot, is filled with nerve endings capable of producing intense arousal when stimulated. Other research seems to show that the G-spot does not exist at all for some women. Also under debate is the composition of the fluid (sometimes called female ejaculant) that is expelled by some women during orgasm from G-spot stimulation. Some researchers claim that it is urine; others assert that it is a substance corresponding to seminal fluid in males (but without the sperm, of course). Not all women with a G-spot ejaculate, and those who do, do not necessarily ejaculate with every G-spot orgasm.

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