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Bell Shorty.................



這算是美國國民帽型....大頭帽殼(俗稱美國碗公)...Half type..."外雙D"帽釦...附帽舌..後腦杓保暖皮(拉鍊)...讓我想起以前我那頂AGV其實差不多..在美國也屬於相當棒的速客達帽..我認為相當搭..




 1143 grams (2.52 lbs)

Many riders would prefer to feel the wind on their collective faces while out for a ride on their favorite road – all the easier to take in the view. Wearing a helmet, one which is certified as road legal, is still a good idea as protecting your brain should be important to you. Bell has been in the business of protecting brains for a very long time; granted, the current Bell is a newish entity, but the name carries weight for many. After all, the products bearing the name were often of high quality, with a few notable exceptions. The new “Shorty” from the Bell factory in China is a worthwhile choice for someone looking for such a lid.

The Bell helmet is designed by engineers in the United States, though there is another company manufacturing (excellent) automotive racing helmets under license in Europe. Most of the organization of Bell has changed somewhat over the 88 years the name has been on a label, but recent products from their new U.S. helmet line have earned significant praise from riders and the press. The Shorty is a great example of their current trend of well-made helmets. Its shell is of a polycarbonate compound to give it strength and durability. On the underside of that shell is your standard EPS cushioning material which is covered around the base with a lightly padded fleece-like fabric. The crown has a line of padding as well giving it some added comfort. In cooler weather, or if you wish to listen to music or a communication system, there are zip-in, or zip-out, rider curtain containing deep ear pockets. This will cover your ears and a large portion of the back of your neck with the strap holding it in place. The older model of this lid did not have a fastener for the shin strap; be assured, a new model will have this rather basic feature. Bell hooked a short sun visor to the front side which works as a safety feature (it protects more of your face than a model without one). Finish is Bell quality, no need for more.

The fit can be quite good, but the Bell Shorty’s round-oval shape may not fit all. The padding at the front is slightly underwhelming and can cause problems if your head does not fit it correctly. The usual advice applies, so try one on at your local dealer. Venting is adequate with only two small openings in the brow, but the helmet is not exactly encompassing of the entire head – goggles are highly recommended both for safety and keeping bug guts out of your eyeballs, either your first or second most important pair. The light weight of such minimal protection does give some sense of being more in touch with nature, so it is easy to appreciate why some prefer this to a full-face. Take care, though, and at least have a windshield on your bike if your ride sans goggles. Bell makes a good helmet with the Shorty model, and wearing it will make you feel at least a touch more safe.

That light weight also makes Bell Shorty a perfect scooter helmet; weighing only 1143 grams (2.52 lbs), but the same rules about protecting your vision apply.

The Bell Shorty helmet retails for between US$50 and $100, depending on color/ graphics choice.
The Shorty is DOT certified in the U.S.








BELL was founded in 1954 in California by Roy Richter, a passionate of auto racing. Roy perceived the need for safety in the auto racing field and moved to put products in place to serve that need. The name BELL simply comes for the fact that Roy's activities were housed in a small, garage-like facility in Bell, California. The following year, BELL moved to a larger facility and a full time staff was employed.

BELL started by manufacturing protective headgear for auto racing. BELL moved to the leading edge of helmetry in 1957, introducing the use of a non-resilient polystyrene liner. That same year, BELL also began to supply helmets to law enforcement agencies.

One of the first open face BELL helmet, the 500-TX is selected by the Museum of Modern Art in New York for Excellence of Design. Four Bell helmet models are on continuous display at MoMA.

Consumers began recognizing the need for safety and the business grew rapidly. By 1964 BELL had to triple its capacity and moved to a new facility in Long Beach, California.

In 1968 BELL introduced the first full-face helmet, the Star. It was worn by Dan Gurney at the 500 Miles of Indianapolis. These products innovations, like expanded polystyrene liners (EPS) or full face helmets, generated a reputation throughout the world for providing state of the art quality helmets.

In 1971 BELL diversified into the motorcycle helmet market and developed the first full-face motorcycle helmet and the first full-face off-road motorcycle helmet. During the next ten years, BELL continued its efforts in automotive and motorcycle field but also entered the bicycle industry with the first hard shell helmet, the Biker in 1975. In addition, it began providing helmets for marine racing, parachute jumping, and many other high risk activities where head protection was needed.

The explosive growth of motorcycle use in the 70's required tripling capacity once again. Bell, in 1976 moved into a 180.000 square feet facility in Norwalk, California. This factory was, at the time, the world's largest helmet factory with the most up-to-date equipment, including one of the most sophisticated test labs.

By 1985, the BELL family of companies included BELL RACESTAR (manufacturing auto racing suits and drivers equipment as distributing the auto racing helmets), Vetter Products (manufacturers of fairings, helmets, leather clothing...), Marsee Products (fine leather motorcycling apparel and accessories) and Bagman (luggage for motorcycling).

It was at this time that BELL entered into its first licensing and distribution agreement with a French company for the manufacturing, sales and marketing of BELL motorcycle products in France. The ultimate goal was to expand throughout Europe.

In 1986 BELL relocated its manufacturing facility to Rantoul, Illinois and closed down its manufacturing operation in California completely. A small office was maintained in the old Norwalk, California facility which housed BELL's Research & Development, and Corporate Affairs departments as well as part of the Sales and Marketing staffs.
Since 1986, car racing helmets as well as bicycle helmets have been made in centrally located Rantoul, Illinois, USA. Some bicycle helmets are also manufactured in Euro-Bell's plant in France and in China. Over 20.000 car racing helmets and more than 4 million bicycle helmets are manufactured each year, making BELL the largest manufacturer in the world for both car racing helmets and bicycle helmets.

BELL's auto racing unique helmets line includes many different models, specifically designed for each type of car racing and being at the edge of technology. Since the 1980's, BELL has pioneered an outstanding number of innovations in all areas of modern helmetry: ligthweight composite materials shells, ventilation systems, advanced aerodynamic designs, fog free shields, and the list is very long ...

In November 2001, Bell Sports sold the rights to use the Bell name for automobile helmets to two new entities: BELL Racing USA (for North and South America + New Zealand) and BELL Racing Europe (for Europe, Asia and Africa) located near Brussels, Belgium. Both BELL Racing US and BELL Racing Europe operate as two totally independent companies under license from Bell Sports Inc; each having their own Research and Development programs and product line adapted to their individual markets.

In june 2010 Bell Racing Europe acquired Bell Racing USA, reuniting the Auto Racing activity again under common ownership.

BELL now produces automobile racing helmets using the latest, state of the art, equipment and technologies which are available worldwide.

BELL Racing  engineers operate a Racing Service and a Research & Development program with the best drivers in Formula One and other top professional drivers, thus ensuring that BELL remains the undisputed world leader in automobile racing helmets.


附上我兒子的自行車帽照片...好是多價約500多台灣錢...那時還是正Made in USA....


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