
與往年一樣........不只是機器技術規則(technical regulation)層面......還有競賽規則(sporting regulation)都有修改........



之前也寫過2007輪胎規則..在米芝連退下之後.....形成"普通"胎獨家的one tire mack race........

成本得以降低.......但是有多項交叉規則如option tyre選配軟胎...使操控上在不同的用胎時段會有不同表現.......


由一台機器(俗稱"賽車")在三天當中共計使用七套胎(7 set).......改成星期五四套...星期六和星期日十套....總共十四套胎....
還有.....依天氣變化..可以使用濕地胎(wet tire)四套...雨胎extreme weather tire(大雨用的深溝胎)三套....... 這些是沿襲去年規定.......

制造之輪胎之compound配方有四種......但是一場比賽將只供應兩種........某些賽車場是使用選配輪胎(軟胎)........在其他的賽車場也可能會使用control tire(硬胎)............


Technical Analysis - Grand Prix - Malaysia

Technical Analysis - Grand Prix - Malaysia
Renault R27 - rear rim shields


25.3條 Quantity of tyres:A set of tyres will be deemed to comprise two front and two rear tyres all of which must be of the same specification

(25.4 Control of tyres:e)The use of tyres without appropriate identification may result in deletion of the relevant driver's qualifying time or exclusion from the race.)...

FIA Rules & Regulations Sporting Regulations 2007


25.1 Supply of tyres :
a) Any tyre company wishing to supply tyres to Formula One teams must notify the FIA of its intention to
do so no later than 1 January preceding the year during which such tyres will be supplied.
Any tyre company wishing to cease the supply of tyres to Formula One teams must notify the FIA of
its intention to do so no later than 1 January of the year preceding that in which such tyres were to be
b) No tyre may be used in the Championship unless the company supplying such tyre accepts and
adheres to the following conditions :
- one tyre supplier present in the Championship : this company must equip 100% of the entered
teams on ordinary commercial terms and make available identical quantities and specifications
of tyres to all teams during a calendar year ;
- two tyre suppliers present : each of them must, if called upon to do so, be prepared to equip up
to 60% of the entered teams on ordinary commercial terms ;

- three or more tyre suppliers present : each of them must, if called upon to do so, be prepared to
equip up to 40% of the entered teams on ordinary commercial terms ;
- each tyre supplier must undertake to provide no more than two specifications of dry-weather
tyre at each Event, each of which must be of one homogenous compound and visibly
distinguishable from one another when a car is on the track. Any modification or treatment,
other than heating, carried out to a tyre or tyres will be considered a change of specification ;
- each tyre supplier must undertake to provide no more than one specification of wet-weather tyre
at each Event which must be of one homogenous compound ;
- each tyre supplier must undertake to provide no more than one specification of extreme-weather
tyre at each Event which must be of one homogenous compound ;
- if, in the interests of maintaining current levels of circuit safety, the FIA deems it necessary to
reduce tyre grip, it shall introduce such rules as the tyre suppliers may advise or, in the absence
of advice which achieves the FIA's objectives, specify the maximum permissible contact areas
for front and rear tyres.
25.2 Type of tyres :
a) All dry-weather tyres must incorporate circumferential grooves square to the wheel axis and around
the entire circumference of the contact surface of each tyre.
b) Each front dry-weather tyre, when new, must incorporate 4 grooves which are :
- arranged symmetrically about the centre of the tyre tread ;
- at least 14mm wide at the contact surface and which taper uniformly to a minimum of 10mm at
the lower surface;
- at least 2.5mm deep across the whole lower surface ;
- 50mm (+/- 1.0mm) between centres.
Furthermore, the tread width of the front tyres must not exceed 270mm.
c) Each rear dry-weather tyre, when new, must incorporate 4 grooves which are:
- arranged symmetrically about the centre of the tyre tread ;
- at least 14mm wide at the contact surface and which taper uniformly to a minimum of 10mm at
the lower surface ;
- at least 2.5mm deep across the whole lower surface ;
- 50mm (+/- 1.0mm) between centres.
The measurements referred to in b) and c) above will be taken when the tyre is fitted to a wheel and
inflated to 1.4 bar.
d) A wet-weather tyre is one which has been designed for use on a wet or damp track.
All wet-weather tyres must, when new, have a contact area which does not exceed 280cm² when
fitted to the front of the car and 440cm² when fitted to the rear. Contact areas will be measured over
any square section of the tyre which is normal to and symmetrical about the tyre centre line and
which measures 200mm x 200mm when fitted to the front of the car and 250mm x 250mm when
fitted to the rear. For the purposes of establishing conformity, void areas which are less than 2.5mm
in depth will be deemed to be contact areas.
Prior to use at an Event, each tyre manufacturer must provide the technical delegate with a full scale
drawing of each type of wet-weather tyre intended for use.

e) An extreme-weather tyre is one which has been designed for use on a wet track.
All extreme-weather tyres must, when new, have a contact area which does not exceed 240cm² when
fitted to the front of the car and 375cm² when fitted to the rear. Contact areas will be measured over
any square section of the tyre which is normal to and symmetrical about the tyre centre line and
which measures 200mm x 200mm when fitted to the front of the car and 250mm x 250mm when
fitted to the rear. For the purposes of establishing conformity, void areas which are less than 5.0mm
in depth will be deemed to be contact areas.
Prior to use at an Event, each tyre manufacturer must provide the technical delegate with a full scale
drawing of each type of extreme-weather tyre intended for use.
f) Tyre specifications will be determined by the FIA no later than 1 September of the previous season.
Once determined in this way, the specification of the tyres will not be changed during the
Championship season without the agreement of the Formula One Commission.
25.3 Quantity of tyres :
During the Event no driver may use more than fourteen sets of dry-weather tyres, five sets of wet-weather
tyres and four sets of extreme-weather tyres.
No driver may use more than two sets of each specification of dry-weather tyre during P1 and P2.
No driver may use more than one set of wet and one set of extreme-weather tyres during P1 and P2.
A set of tyres will be deemed to comprise two front and two rear tyres all of which must be of the same
25.4 Control of tyres :
a) The outer sidewall of all tyres which are to be used at an Event must be marked with a unique
b) Other than in cases of force majeure (accepted as such by the stewards of the meeting), all tyres
intended for use at an Event must be presented to the FIA technical delegate for allocation prior to
the end of initial scrutineering.
c) At any time during an Event, and at his absolute discretion, the FIA technical delegate may select
alternative dry-weather tyres to be used by any team or driver from among the relevant stock of tyres
which such team's designated supplier has present at the Event.
d) A competitor wishing to replace one unused tyre by another identical unused one must present both
tyres to the FIA technical delegate.
e) The use of tyres without appropriate identification may result in deletion of the relevant driver’s
qualifying time or exclusion from the race.
f) The only permitted type of tyre heating devices are blankets which use resistive heating elements.
25.5 Use of tyres
a) Each team will be allocated eight sets of dry-weather tyres, four of each specification, for use during
P1 and P2. These are the only dry-weather tyres which may be used during these sessions and must
be returned to the tyre supplier before the start of P3.
b) Each driver will be allocated ten further sets of dry-weather tyres, five of each specification, for use
during the remainder of the Event. However, one set of each specification must be returned to the
tyre supplier before the start of the qualifying practice session and may not be used during the
remainder of the Event.

c) Each team will be allocated two sets of wet and two sets of extreme-weather tyres for use during P1
and P2. These are the only wet and extreme-weather tyres which may be used during these sessions
and, unless they remain unused, must be returned to the tyre supplier before the start of P3.
d) Each driver will be allocated four further sets of wet-weather tyres and three sets of extreme-weather
tyres for use during the remainder of the Event. Unused wet or extreme-weather tyres which were
allocated for use during P1 and P2 may form part of this allocation.
e) Prior to the start of the qualifying practice session wet and extreme-weather tyres may only be used
after the track has been declared wet by the race director, following which extreme, wet or dryweather
tyres may be used for the remainder of the session.
f) Unless he has used wet or extreme-weather tyres during the race, each driver must use at least one
set of each specification of dry-weather tyres during the race.
25.6 Wear of tyres :
The Championship will be contested on grooved tyres. The FIA reserve the right to introduce at any time a
method of measuring remaining groove depth if performance appears to be enhanced by high wear or by
the use of tyres which are worn so that the grooves are no longer visible.

25.5 Use of tyres:
a) Each team will be allocated eight sets of dry-weather tyres, four of each specification, for use during P1 and P2. These are the only dry-weather tyres which may be used during these sessions and must be returned to the tyre supplier before the start of P3.
b) Each driver will be allocated ten further sets of dry-weather tyres, five of each specification, for use during the remainder of the Event. However, one set of each specification must be returned to the tyre supplier before the start of the qualifying practice session and may not be used during the remainder of the Event.
c) Each team will be allocated two sets of wet and two sets of extreme-weather tyres for use during P1 and P2. These are the only wet and extreme-weather tyres which may be used during these sessions and, unless they remain unused, must be returned to the tyre supplier before the start of P3.
d) Each driver will be allocated four further sets of wet-weather tyres and three sets of extreme-weather tyres for use during the remainder of the Event. Unused wet or extreme-weather tyres which were allocated for use during P1 and P2 may form part of this allocation.
e) Prior to the start of the qualifying practice session wet and extreme-weather tyres may only be used after the track has been declared wet by the race director, following which extreme, wet or dryweather tyres may be used for the remainder of the session.
f) Unless he has used wet or extreme-weather tyres during the race, each driver must use at least one set of each specification of dry-weather tyres during the race.

輪圈外緣(wheel bead)尺寸328mm以上332mm以下



不能改良的部份主要是引擎汽缸體(engine block)和汽缸頭(engine head)......





Technical Analysis -
Renault RS26

Honda RA806E

Mercedes FO 108S

Toyota RVX-06

Ferrari Type 056



2006年起變更為V8 2400cc....比起

以前的第三台備用車所謂之"T car"被禁止......變成一場比賽只能帶兩台車.....

必須通過撞擊測試(crash test).........所以必須多制造一台貴三三的碳纖維車架給FIA撞得稀八爛.............比賽結束後還要接受FIA鑽心取樣驗車.......




關於safty car出現時的規則.....在safety car出車訊息打出後..任何車都不得超越動作.......原本可以進pit加油換胎........不過.....今年必須等到pit lane open出現後才能進維修站...要不然會受罰十秒.....不過下起雨來要換胎......則可不罰..........


要 有track signal information display............mechanical warning system.....


聽說明年還要玩統一的ECU電腦.......這下子traction control可能沒得作壁了........







FIA Rules & Regulations Sporting Regulations 2007

2007 season changes

A number of changes to both the Sporting and Technical Regulations have been made by the FIA for the 2007 Formula One season.

Engines homologated and used during the last two races of 2006 must now be used during the 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 seasons. Although this move, designed to cut development costs, has been widely described as an 'engine freeze', some limited development work will be allowed. This will, however, be strictly controlled by the FIA. Engines are rev-limited to 19,000rpm.

The two-race engine rule will no longer apply to Friday practice sessions. This means any driver starting a meeting with a fresh engine will not be penalised for an early failure. It also means drivers may opt to use alternative engines on Fridays and save their race engines for the remainder of the weekend.

Weekend schedule
In a slight change to the Grand Prix weekend format, Friday's two practice sessions have been extended from 60 to 90 minutes each.

With Bridgestone becoming Formula One racing's sole supplier for 2007, each team will receive only two specifications of tyre per event. However, they will get more sets - four per driver on the Friday and ten for the remainder of the weekend. Each driver must use both specifications during the race and a white groove on the tread of the softer compound will allow spectators to easily distinguish which tyre a driver is using at any time.

Safety car
In 2007, safety car regulations have been modified to prevent drivers diving for the pits the minute the safety car comes onto the circuit, and to stop backmarkers interfering with the leaders during a race restart. No car is allowed to enter the pits until the field is bunched up behind the safety car and before the safety car returns to the pit any lapped car running between cars on the lead lap must overtake those cars and the safety car before taking up their correct position at the back.

Friday Practice
Third cars will no longer be allowed, but all teams are now permitted to run one alternative test driver in each Friday session. The alternative driver must be nominated beforehand and may use either of the team's race cars.

A GPS marshalling system, involving a cockpit light display of flag signals in each driver's car, is being introduced. This will allow Race Control to alert drivers to potential hazards more effectively.

All cars must also now be fitted with a medical warning light just ahead of the driver's cockpit. This is to provide rescue crews with an immediate indication of the severity of the accident and is connected to the FIA data logger.

The crash tests that Formula One cars must pass have been made more stringent. The velocity used in the frontal impact test has been increased from 14m/s to 15m/s, while the minimum size for the impact-absorbing structure has also been raised. In addition, the driver’s cockpit must now be clad in special anti-penetration panels made of Zylon. An additional five kilograms has been added to the car’s minimum weight requirement to offset the weight of the panels.


Renault R27 - nosecone winglets

02 March 2007

It is not the first time the R27 has sported 'ears' (arrow) on its nosecone, but it seems likely, after the new additions appeared once again in Bahrain, they have become a permanent fixture. Designed to improve airflow management around the cockpit and reduce turbulence, these horn-like winglets are positioned halfway between the front axle and the cockpit and bend upwards, extending outwards by 25 centimetres. They are designed to split the airflow into two parts, with the lower flow directed to the sidepod inlets and the upper flow towards the rear wing.


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